5 Things to Consider for Site Re-design


Has it been a while since your site was updated?  Has traffic to your site significantly decreased?  As a small business owner it can be hard and frustrating to keep up with all the new design trends, but here are 5 things to consider while re-designing your site.How does it look on mobile?This is a huge concern.  Your client base spends hours a day on their phones.  You may have been hearing this for years, but I will tell you again that "Mobile is NOT optional."  If you don't have a mobile-version of your site or a responsive site, GET ONE!How Does My Customer use the site?It is hard to see how customers use the site, but with Google Analytics you can see which pages they jumped two and what made them leave.  If they are going straight to the contact us page, make sure it is easy to navigate and crisp.  If they are going straight to the offers or coupon section make sure your coupons are up-to-date and aesthetically pleasing.  You'd be shocked how many sites have coupons that are 6 months old.What is Frustrating my customer about the site?If you are an e-commerce store that is seeing a rise in abandoned carts figure out what could be the issue.  If the pictures and description of the merchandise are good, then it may be the layout of the merchandise.  Are the categories in the order the customer would want to see them?  Are your most popular items up front and prominent?  Is there an issue with your SSL certificate?  These are things that could keep your customer from purchasing.Has your domain name been renewed?This question seems like it would had an obvious answer, but the answer may surprise you.  If you have a private web designer ask when it is up for renewal.  If you use a large web design agency , check your inbox and spam folder.  They send out notices months in advance, but if they are ignored your site will be shut down.  No excuses.Renewal fees are annoying, but having a live site at all times increases your chances for more sales.When was the last time you spoke to your graphic designer?Years ago, you could build a site and keep that site for 5-10 years.  Nowadays, you need to make tweaks and optimize your site monthly and annually.  If your business expands to a second location, you need to add.  If your business changes it's Instagram name, you need to update that.  If you  have staff photos and someone leaves you need to update that. If you are a seasonal business and want to start promoting the service for the next season start updating that.Working with your graphic designer on a regular bases insures that information about your business, products and services is up to date.  Your customers will be happy and Google will be too.For more information about website development and design contact us at 904.274.5855 or email us at epartnersmarketing@gmail.com


Client Site Launch: textmarketing.club


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