Balancing Motherhood and Work
Totally different post, but describes my day completely.
I had a good day.
At my 9 to 5, the kids had a field trip today. When I got home, my daughter took a nap so I could actually send updates to clients:
- Updated a long-term client to his branding designs (stationery, flyers, blah blah blah lol)
- Sent 2 newer clients status of their logo designs
- Re-creating a logo for a long-term client that the files were left on my MAC (another story for another day)
If you are a designer, you know that this is A LOT. Especially to do in a few hours when you are of these tasks were things I was putting off. For days if not weeks. I didn't want to sit and do the work after being completely worn out.
This year, I made a resolution to spend more time with my child.
She is 4 years old and I started designing full-time when she was 2 going on 3. I am fortunate that the private school where I teach let's her come along with me. She loves the kids and plays well with them.But, sometimes I don't get to teach as much as I would like, because of the behavioral issues in my classroom. I'll dive into that another day. Long story short I want to spend as much of her awake time with her as possible.Last night, we had so much fun painting and playing Splash Math. Today, she went on the field trip with me.I want her to have memories with her actually doing things. Not being glued to the computer.
I'm still learning.
It is an ongoing process. I'm still trying to fight the "working mommy" guilt I feel sometimes. I'm also letting go of the "perfect mommy" ideal.About an hour or so ago, I had a nice argument with my boyfriend. He was criticizing my time management skills and compared me to his mom. What a douche!I won't let his criticism ruin my day. Especially when his priorities are kind of whack. I rhymed resume with GTA in a 1-liner comback *crown emoji*
I've tried to get into planning, but have realized I'm more of a bullet list type of person than a let's decorate with stickers and shit type of person. Those stickers are expensive too.I think also getting into a routine again would be great! I had a really good when she was a lot smaller. I guess I figured she can walk and talk now so I don't need to schedule everything she does. I never thought I'd miss tummy time, but I suddenly do LOLNot to sound cliche, but self care is important. I have started eating better, reading more and exercising. I've improved my morning makeup routine, but have completely neglected my nails. It's been over a month since I've had my nails done. I've just been so busy. If you were wondering little Bella gets her nails painted sometimes too :)How do you balance work with parenting?Best,Erica