E-Partners Marketing

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Lessons Learned after 109 Sales on Etsy

Howdy! Como estas?Yeah, I'm speaking Spanglish, because that's how happy and confused I am right now.Etsy is funny with their numbers.  I think it has actually  been 110 or 111 transactions in total, but who cares about the numbers let's dive right in:

Other Shops' Prices Don't Matter

When you are just getting started on Etsy or any online shop you may be tempted to "price match" other people that offer similar products or services than yours.  Don't do it. You know how much time it takes you to make something.  You know how much your supplies cost.  You don't know how long it takes the other shop.  You don't know how much their supplies cost.Their price is none of your business.  Your customer is your customer.  I said all that to say that you don't want to be the lowest price for what you offer.  Customers perceive the value of your product based on what the price you put on it.I offer custom graphic designs and digital downloads in my shop.  I'm not the only shop that offers this.  I made sure I wasn't the lowest price either.  I may not have as many sales, but my average transaction is higher.  This brings me to my next point.

Your job is to close not explain

When a potential customer contacts you in an Etsy conversation do not go into technical details about your creative process or go off on tangents about how great your product is.  They are ready to buy and may even have your products in their cart. Answer their questions in a very polite manner, address any concerns (objections) and send the URL of the listing so they can purchase.This saves a bunch of time. The prospect that just wants to compare prices or waste time will not purchase and that is okay. The quicker you can weed them out the better.  Some prospects will drag out Etsy convos for days if you let them.

Keep Customers Posted

Sending a customer a conversation/e-mail about the status of their delivery or design saves you and gives them peace of mind. Never let more than 48 hours go by without sending them a quick note about the ETA or their package or design.No matter how long it takes your customer to respond to you, ALWAYS send them an email or update within 48 hours.

It's Just Business

Sometimes customers will purchase one thing and completely change their mind. Especially on custom orders. Try your best not to take it personally. Just focus on finishing the job. Ask them more questions and to provide any visuals of what they have in mind so that they can be happy with the final outcome.If the request goes beyond the scope of work they paid for or they are passed the limit of design changes you may have to remind them and charge a fee. The client that understands it is is business will pay for the additional revision.  The customer that was trying to get over on you and be a DIVA will suddenly start liking stuff. Funny how that works.Lessons Learned after 100 Sales on Etsy

Some Customers Want to Be a Part of the Process

I ask my customers open-ended questions in the beginning. Based on those answers they are provided with options. Then they are provided with more concepts and revisions until the design is approved. They are given ample opportunities to express their feedback.Some customers want to be a part of the design process. They will pay for your creative expertise but will try to tell you how to design the project. They want to have power by telling you every little detail they want. At times they may even question your creative decisions.I get it. It's their brand but they aren't given the opportunity to micro-manage me.  They definitely not given the opportunity to drag out a project.

People Will Ask For Free/ Discounted Designs

I don't know what is worse: A company asking for a free design sample or when an influencer tries to ask for free YouTube branding.They don't understand that "free" design would cost valuable design time. Creating a sample for them would take design time away from my paying clients.On Etsy, it is very rare that someone asks for a free or discounted design. Depending on the interaction I may say, "I would love to help with ______. You can purchase it ________ so we can get started." I may also suggest that they work with another designer altogether. In the beginning, I would get really offended. Now, I have a few responses planned out just for them. :)

Real Relationships and Repeat Business Can Be Built on Etsy

I've had a few of my Etsy customers turn into the bigger design, outside of Etsy customers. It sucks that Etsy doesn't have a direct email marketing feature, but once you do business with someone on Etsy you can add them to your "list" on your own.If they asked you for a specific design, a few months later they will probably need more. Keep in touch with them. Even if months have gone by continue to interact with them on social media. Like and comment on their posts. Let them know when you add new services that they may be interested in.I've had an offline Etsy client learn about me from a testimonial from a past Etsy client. I haven't designed for the past client in years, but she recommended me to her friend and now I am designing her website and e-mail marketing campaigns. 

I'm Done Yapping now

Are you new to Etsy? I would love to check out your shop.  Leave the link to your shop below :)Best,EricaE-Partners Marketing, EPartnersStudio on EtsyInstagram | Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest | Beauty Blog | Mommy Blog