How to Get EXACTLY What You want From a Designer

It sucks when a client contacts me about fixing what their previous designer did.  I love the project, but hate cleaning up someone else's work.Today, I want to share some tips so that you can get things designed EXACTLY how you would like them the first time around.

Before Contacting the Designer

Do some research.  Look at your competitor's sites and branding.  Look at your favorite brands' sites and advertisements.  Look at the designer's website and portfolio.  Look at the designer's services page.A lot of time is wasted getting a project off the ground on questions that could have been answered by just browsing on the to get what you want from a designer - 7 tips for an enjoyable design experience - E-Partners Marketing

During the Initial Consultation

Have questions ready about what you researched.  You may not realize it but your complimentary (FREE) consultation is timed.  Be honest about your goals and budget.  You may only get 20 or 30 minutes to see if they are the right fit for your company's goals.A consultation is not an hour long conversation asking the designer about their industry.  It is also not an opportunity for you to give a sob story and haggle their price down.Once, during a consultation a potential client said that another designer charges less for the same service.  I advised them to contact them.  Mind you this is the same designer that they were complaining did a half ass job.

Be Honest About Deadlines

Designers can work under tight deadlines.  Some may actually enjoy it.Just realize that when you ask if a job can be completed within 24 hours understand it will be 24 hours from the time the designer received payment.  Do not contact them at 9pm asking about a project thinking your design will be ready by noon the next day.Rushed deadlines require a rush fee.  Any illusion of stress you add to a design will cost you, not the designer.

Read your E-mails

Read your e-mails! Important legal documents like agreements and invoices are in there.  Do not expect a reminder text.  That is your designer not your mom.The project will not get started until you sign the agreement and pay the invoice for the deposit.  These should be handled quickly especially if you have a tight deadline.

Thoroughly Review Initial Concepts

Set a side at an hour to review everything and determine if the initial concept is what you envisioned. Look at your Pinterest board, Mood Board and Design Brief.Ask yourself:

  • Is there anything you left out?
  • Is their anything missing?
  • Is everything spelled correctly?
  • Does everything reflect the quality of your brand?

During Revision Requests

Be honest.  If you don't like something say it.  You are not hurting the designer's feelings.  You are helping them grow in their craft and gain perspective. The earlier on that you are honest about the direction of a design the quicker changes can be made and the less revisions will be needed.This is especially important during Logo and Website design projects where additional revisions outside of your agreement are not cheap.

After Final Files Have Been Sent

If you truly don't know how to add a graphic to your website or social media account ask for help. Or if you are trying to figure out which printer to choose ask for help.  You are not pestering your designer.  They are happy to help you be happy.Some designers will install these for you at no additional charge! They will also communicate with the printer at no additional charge!Have you had more good or bad experiences with designers in the past?Thanks for stopping by!Best,Ericaepssignature3 


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