You Want to Start A YouTube Channel

Everyone is saying you need a YouTube Channel for your business, but no one is saying how to start it.I make custom channel art, but what I think you should do first is make some videos!  Get into the groove of making videos even if it is on your webcam or iPhone.

How many videos should you make?

I'm not telling you to wait to launch your channel until you have a bunch of videos.  I'm saying make like 2 or maybe even 5.Don't make them all in one day.  Make them over a period of 2 to 5 days.  Figure out if you even like being in front of the camera.  Figure out what type of videos you enjoy making.  It may be tutorials with your products, vlogs of your day or sit down chats?

Now that you have some raw footage, what are you going to edit it with?

You Want To Start A Youtube Channel - Shotcut - E-Partners MarketingI'm not telling you to turn into a film director overnight.  I'm asking what will you use when you are ready to add some cool effects and transitions to your videos?There are some really cool editing software available at all different price points.  I use Shot Cut for my YouTube videos.  I use After Effects when I'm making commercials for clients.  iMovie is extremely popular, but I have never used it. Windows does have a video editor, but I haven't used it.

I have 5 videos now what?

  • Choose a Channel Name.  Kind of major, but not the end of the world.  Can be changed...I think.
  • Upload those videos edited or not to your channel so people know there is activity going on.
  • Start interacting with other channels that are like yours or are your ideal customer.
  • Look at their channels.  Look at some of their videos and take note of effects and transitions they use.  Don't get so caught up in camera gear and scenery.
    • Look at their channel art.  You want something unique, but you don't want something completely left field.

When should I get channel art?

Custom YouTube Art - Blog Branding - EtsyDon't wait til you have 100 subscribers to get channel art.  After you have uploaded a few videos and looked at a few other channels it is a good time to start thinking about your channel art.Some things to consider about your channel art:

  • Do you want your YouTube banner to match your Facebook and Twitter Banners?
  • Do you want your YouTube banner to match your blog header?
  • Is your company/brand in the process of re-branding?

What Channel Art do I need?

A YouTube Channel has a Banner.A good YouTube Channel has a Banner, End Slate and Watermark.An AWESOME YouTube Channel has a Banner,  A few End Slates, a Watermark animated intro and some Overlays.

What is an End Slate/Card?

The magical piece of art that is going to help you get more subs and views!  It appears at the end of the video and has calls to action for the viewer to check out your other content and subscribe! It's a win win for everybody.New End Slate - YouTube Channel Art - E-Partners Marketing

What is a Watermark?

A Watermark is kind of like a logo, that reinforces you owning the content.  It protects your videos from someone else using them.  If someone does decide to re-distribute your content your beautiful watermark is there :)YouTubeChannel.png

What are Overlays?

Overlays are text effects that people add to their video in the video editor.  It could be icons of brands they are talking about.  Phrases like Woah! or Subscribe.  Even your Social Media handles can be an overlay.I really like when people have overlays that are comments in the video like "why did I just say that" or they "WTF".  Everyone makes mistakes so it makes them more human.

A few Tutorials If you are just Starting Your YouTube Journey

To Add Your Most Recent Video to Your End Card/Slate Videos to Your End Slate in Your Video Editor you are ready to share a preview of your YouTube video on Instagram Thanks for stopping by!Best,epssignature3

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